Maternity/Newborn Calf Management

Written protocols should be in place and reviewed annually with your veterinarian and employees to ensure that certain procedures are carried out appropriately.


FARM - To support the birth of live, healthy calves and to transition cows into lactation Dairy Well - To ensure calf survival and cow health by aiding in calving, and to promote calf welfare by feeding colostrum in a timely manner.

How to assess:

Review the maternity management protocol to confirm that the following information is included and that appropriate criteria are being met: ​

Dairy Well

  • Emergency contacts should be noted
  • Close-up and maternity pens are maintained to be clean, dry, and well-bedded (can refer to another SOP)
  • Close-up pen is monitored throughout the day
  • Feed quality colostrum: when, how much
  • Signed by VOR
A template is provided as a guideline; farms may write their own as long as minimum content is met.

National Dairy FARM Program

  • The calving area is soft, cushioned, dry, well-lit, and well-ventilated
  • Follow calf delivery procedures provided by the herd veterinarian
  • Thoroughly clean calving pen and re-bed
  • Provide 4-5 quarts of high quality colostrum to calf within first 8 hours of life
  • Administer any health products as designated in the Herd Health Plan by manager or veterinarian


  • Facility has a dry, clean calving area
  • Colostrum protocol includes testing for antibody amount, monitoring for successful passive transfer, and monthly review program/passive transfer monitoring by herd veterinarian or manager
  • Calves have access to feed (solid at day 3) and water
  • Calves are observed daily for health issues
  • Calves are vaccinated according to veterinarian or industry recommendations