Veterinarian Client Patient Relationship (VCPR)

Dairy Well

A VCPR is an important component of proper drug use on farms. To be valid, it requires:

  • A veterinarian of record (VOR) that takes responsibility for making medical judgments on the health and welfare of the cattle on the farm
  • A current written agreement signed by both the VOR and the farmer
  • Approved drug list and treatment records
    • Can be located elsewhere on the farm, not required to be in the VCPR Agreement

A template is provided as a guideline; farms may write their own as long as minimum content is met.

National Dairy FARM Program

A VCPR is required to correctly diagnose, treat, and prevent disease. It must be:

  • Current and signed by the farm owner/manager and the Veterinarian of Record (VOR)
  • Updated annually

This form is a Phase One Priority Level and is thus a minimum criterion for participation in the FARM ProgramTM.

Sample VCPR template ©FARM


  • Includes:
    • Employee training by the herd veterinarian on animal treatments and procedures (hospital protocols, dehorning, pain management)
    • Prescriptions
    • Documentation from the veterinarian of a recent visit to the dairy